lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2008

Cooking with chayote and other ideas

And now for something completely different. I mentioned chayote and good soup in an earlier entry, and Melissa asked for some recipes. So, here's a recipe that a friend from Columbia shared. Making a variation of this soup attempting to create my own chicken stock was my project all Saturday afternoon. The first time I had it, it was cooked on a wood stove, which I do not suggest, since takes super long.

Super starchy soup

2-3 potatoes
1-2 chayote (darker green is better for soup)
1 yucca
1 green plantain
1 tomato
bullion cube

Peel and dice the potatoes, chayote (remove white center core), yucca and plantain. Add them to boiling water with bullion cube and salt to season. When potatoes are soft, add diced tomato and fresh cilantro and allow to boil another 2-5 minutes.

Tastes great with fried plantains (as does everything). 1 large yellow plantain makes 8 pieces. Slice peel length-wise to open, then cut plantain in half and slice halves length-wise. Fry in some vegetable oil until both sides golden-brown. No need to add anything.

Other ideas

I've also used chayote boiled along with potatoes to make mashed potatoes/chayote. Then mixed in some sauteed onions, peppers and garlic and a bit of cheese. Melissa suggested boiled with brown sugar, which sounds wonderful. And, like all veggies, mixed with rice is a great plan for some cut up chayote. I like Dana's mom's rule about more colorful meals being better.

Another thing I very much enjoy is creating variations on banana bread. Here's a recipe:

Banango bread

1 egg
½ stick butter, softened
1 cup sugar
2-3 ripe bananas
1 mango
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt

Mix egg, butter and sugar (I'll melt butter in oven as preheating, so also greases pan). Mash in bananas, using a fork. Add cut mango. Blend dry ingredients, and add to batter. Bake in a greased pan at 350 for about 30-40 minutes (or until golden brown).

I've substituted (or supplemented) fruit yogurts, jams, for fruit and added honey, nutella, granola, oatmeal, and/or raisins. Always pleased with results.

Please share ideas you have for good recipes. I'm a big fan of food. And potlucks are a splendid way to socialize. One of our teachers talked about starting cooking classes as a way to socialize and learn Costa Rican cooking. Once that happens, I'll have more to share.

1 comentario:

Melissa Yarborough dijo...

Thank you! Is there such thing as starch overdose? I'll have to try the delicious-sounding soup a and find out.